25 February 2009

Nice days and I'm stuck inside watching and other thoughts...

Work has been really busy lately for a number of reasons (that I won't go into now) and this blog has been one of the victims.  The other thing that has been driving me nuts is the weather has been so nice   I did manage to get out a fly for an hour last Monday, but there have been another 4 or 5 (including today) that have been absolutely gorgeous (and most of them not too windy) that I'd love to have flown more.  I did take the opportunity to intercept and track radials and even took two turns around in a hold at the Appleton VOR (APE).  I still need to do a post on the book I read last Sunday.  It has been a while since I read a book from cover to cover in one day, but I did last weekend, but that is a topic that requires more time than I can devote to it right now.  Today is Ash Wednesday, but I didn't make it to church this evening because I was working on something that my daughter needed.  I have a book (or two or three) that I'd like to knock off my list during Lent, but whether or not that happens will be determined in part by how much more work I need to put into the paper I've been working on.  More on that later, too.  Last thought for this evening, today was the first spring training game and the Reds won, 7-0.  No, I didn't watch or listen, just read that online after the fact.  I'm hoping for a better year than the last 8, but I'm not holding my breath.  Hopefully, my next post won't be so scattered.  Shalom. ---Jim

07 February 2009

A couple of links

I know I haven't been posting much here.  I hope to rectify that soon, but in the meantime, I have a couple of links I'll post here for anyone who is actually reading this.
  • The first is one that I really like from James McGrath is a thoughtful discussion (continued in the comments) about what it means to be Christian and about the historical accuracy of the Bible.
  • The second one is one I put up as a link on Facebook, too about what we should be doing as a church during tough economic times.