26 February 2010

50 @ 50 update

I guess I didn't mention at the time that I added state number 47 to the list last month when I attended SANS Security East in New Orleans.  The class that I facilitated, FOR408, Foresic Essentials, was a really good one that I think I'll probably try to bring to central Ohio, probably in the late summer or fall.

19 February 2010

Pictures from the snowpocalypse

I posted these pictures over on Facebook, but in case there is anyone out there who reads this, but isn't a FB friend, see them here.

Flight Log 2010-02-19

A beautiful day for flying (and in the midst of the snowpocalypse that is saying something). Today was the one clear day between rounds 3 and 4 of the continuing parade of snow storms. The temp was -1°C, wind 260@04, altimeter 30.15". Officially, clear with 8 mile visibility, it was a little hazy horizontally, but brilliant blue when you looked up. At altitude, you could see "cloud" tops, so the haze was real. I did some soft-field takeoffs and landings and just enjoyed the day. One nice thing about winter flying, it was smooth as glass. You could take your hands off the wheel and just fly with your feet. This is why I love being a pilot.