24 December 2010

Merry Christmas

To the 2 of you out there that actually read this, Merry Christmas.  I posted my Christmas letter on my server.

Flight Log 2010-12-23

Matt is home this week (until Christmas morning), so it seemed like a good time to go fly. When I reserved the plane, it looked like it was supposed to be clear and sunny, but that isn't what we ended up with. Temp -1°C, alt 30.35, winds 300@09, clouds few @ 2500, overcast @ 3600. Matt actually spent most of the flight on the controls (except for in the pattern). He needed to knock some significant rust off, he did lots of steep turns, S-turns across a road, etc.  Since I haven't flown over snow in a while (a year or more, obviously), I had forgotten how difficult it is to pick out Buckeye Lake when it is covered with ice and snow.  Ah, well, as the say "a bad day flying beats a good day doing just about anything else."  1.2 on the Hobbs and some good crosswind landing practice.